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Reality of Disability Blog Posts

Gail Buckley
More of Meaghan's Voice
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Gail Buckley
More of Meaghan's Voice
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Gail Buckley
More of Meaghan's Voice
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Gail Buckley
Meaghan's Voice
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Gail Buckley
Autism From the Inside: More of Meaghan's Voice
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Gail Buckley
The Reality of Living with Autism
To read more of Meaghan's words, and to get a remarkable glimpse inside the autistic mind, please read her book, imPOSSIBLE DREAM. It...

Meaghan Buckley
Meaghan's Voice: A Young Woman with Autism Speaks Out
I have listened enough. It is time for me to speak. I have a lot to teach the world about autism. I think that there is a lot of...

Gail Buckley
Make The Impossible Dream a Reality
My name is Gail Buckley and, most of you know me as an online content provider. But, more importantly, I am the parent of two children,...

Gail Buckley
Impossible Dream
Devastating Tragedy Leads to Extraordinary Triumph AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON NOW! There are many books about autism, but few are...

Gail Buckley
The Case of Solomon Shereshevsky
Solomon Veniaminovich Shereshevsky was born in the Russian village of Torzhok in 1896. At his father’s urging, Shereshevsky briefly...

Gail Buckley
The Case of Phineas Gage
At 4:30 p.m. on September 13, 1848, a premature blast at a railroad construction site in Cavendish, Vermont propelled a 43-inch long,...

Gail Buckley
The Case of Louis Victor Leborgne (“Tan”)
Louis Victor Leborgne, born on July 21, 1809, was one of six children in a middle-class family. Leborgne suffered from epileptic attacks...

Gail Buckley
The Case of JP - Effects of Frontal Lobe Damage on Personality
JP was born in December of 1912, the 11.5-pound product of a normal pregnancy and gestation, followed by a 22-hour labor and a difficult...

Gail Buckley
The Case of HM (Henry Gustav Molaison)
HM, a high school graduate who worked as a motor winder, was hit by a bicycle as a child, sustaining a 5-minute loss of consciousness. At...

Gail Buckley
The Case of Auguste Deter
In 1901, Auguste Deter, a 51-year-old woman, was admitted to the Asylum for the Insane and Epileptic in Frankfurt am Main. She had been...

Gail Buckley
When I began a diet a week before my stroke, I never dreamed of such a dramatic result
“When I began a diet a week before my stroke, I never dreamed of such a dramatic result.” - Jean-Dominique Bauby Jean-Dominique Bauby...

Gail Buckley
If I must drool, I may as well drool on cashmere
“But I see in the clothes a symbol of continuing life. And proof that I still want to be myself. If I must drool, I may as well drool on...

Gail Buckley
Mirror Box Treatment for Phantom Pain
V. S. Ramachandran asked a most daring question; whether phantom paralysis and pain could be "unlearned." Ramachandran then hit on the...

Gail Buckley
Explaining Phantom Limbs and Pain
The phantom limb was first proposed by Silas Weir Mitchell, an American physician who tended the wounded at Gettysburg and became...

Gail Buckley
Today it seems to me that my whole life was nothing but a string of those small near misses
“Today it seems to me that my whole life was nothing but a string of those small near misses: a race whose result we know beforehand but...

Gail Buckley
The Tale of The Silver Spring Monkeys
Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich, in his experiments, showed that when sensory input from a finger was cut off, brain map changes...

Gail Buckley
Constraint Induced Therapy for Speech
The principles of constraint-induced therapy have been applied by a team headed by Dr. Friedemann Pulvermuller in Germany, which worked...

Gail Buckley
Constraint Induced Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Neuroscientist Edward Taub has applied CI principles to a number of other disorders. He has begun working with children with cerebral...
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