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About the Book
I have listened enough. It is time for me to speak. I have a lot to teach the world about autism.
I think that there is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to how those of us with autism are perceived by the neurotypical world. If we don't do something, it is presumed that we can't do it, when in fact we might just not want to do it because it is too simple or elementary or because we are tired of it or bored with it.
Our brains need to be continuously challenged or we will grow restless and frustrated and act out. Our behavior is our language. Unless we are allowed to type. For me, typing is a natural means of expression, kind of like your voice is for you. I process language as written words. I always have.
Please understand that autism is not the problem you think it is. Keep an open mind when it comes to treating us unless you want to limit us even further. We will often surprise you if you trust in our ability rather than focusing on our disability.
Meaghan Buckley
Devastating Tragedy Leads to Extraordinary Triumph

Inspiration for the Story
There are many books about autism, but few are fiction stories taken from real life and co-authored by someone with autism. The story is told entirely from Anna's point of view and provides real insight into what living with autism is like from the inside.
But it is not just about autism. It presents the very real possibility of using new technologies and treatments for neuro and physical remediation, including neurofeedback therapy, reflex integration, BCI (Brain Computer Imaging) and IMR (Immersive Virtual Reality).
As Meaghan writes: “I have goals in my life just like everyone else. An important one is to teach others about autism. Understanding is the key to getting better services and results. I want to spread the word that autism is not something to fear but rather something to have respect for.”
My daughter's words above were the impetus for The Impossible Dream, and Meaghan is the role model for the main character Anna. Although the character is fictional, her voice is very real, garnered from the numerous exchanges Meg and I have had over the years as we worked tirelessly to build her independent typing skill.
Meaghan really does believe that there can be a better future for everyone with disabilities, not just those with autism. And this better future can start today, if minds are open and made aware of the possibilities.
"Those of us with disabilities need to have a say, and for many of us having that say requires an alternative means of communication. Requiring slight support does not mean that we are stupid or incapable. It just means that it is much, much harder for us to do the simple things that neurotypicals take for granted."
We are looking for pre-publication endorsements
If you are someone who has an interest in or experience with those with autism or other disabilities - either as a parent or professional, we would be happy to send you the ARC PDF of the book, provided you would be willing to share your thoughts about it. Please know that the deadline for endorsements of any kind is fast approaching - we need them by January 10th.